Improvisation Classes in Portland, Oregon

We need to allow ourselves to be productively stupid again. To not know the answers and be delighted and curious by the questions. To get back into discovery and move away from delivery.
— Patti Styles, author & improviser

Improvisation Classes in Portland, Oregon

Welcome to Portland, Oregon, where creativity and expression thrive in every corner. It’s a vibrant city known for its thriving arts and culture scene. From theater performances to comedy shows, the city offers a multitude of opportunities for individuals to express their creativity. One such avenue for artistic exploration is through improvisation classes.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the world of improvisation classes in Portland, Oregon, and why you should consider taking these classes, the benefits they bring, and the skills you can develop through improvisation. We will also highlight some of the top improv classes available in the city, so you can find the perfect fit for your needs and interests.

In this section, we will provide an introduction to improvisation classes in Portland, Oregon. We will discuss what improvisation is, its origin, and how it has evolved into a popular form of artistic expression. Additionally, we will explore why Portland is a hub for improv enthusiasts and how the city's unique atmosphere fosters creativity and experimentation.

What is Improvisation?

Improvisation, often referred to as improv, is a form of performance art where scenes, dialogue, and actions are created spontaneously without prior planning or scripting. It is a collaborative and interactive process that relies heavily on the performers' ability to think on their feet and respond to the given circumstances in the moment.

At its core, improvisation is about embracing the unknown and trusting one's instincts. It encourages participants to let go of their inhibitions, tap into their creativity, and explore new possibilities. Improv is not just limited to theater; it can be applied to various aspects of life, including public speaking, team building, and personal development.

The History of Improvisation

The roots of improvisation can be traced back to ancient civilizations where storytelling and theatrical performances often incorporated spontaneous elements. However, it was in the early 20th century that improvisation began to take shape as a distinct art form.

In the 1920s, improvisation gained popularity as a theatrical technique through the work of practitioners like Viola Spolin and Keith Johnstone. Their teachings emphasized the importance of spontaneity, collaboration, and active listening in creating meaningful and engaging performances.

Since then, improvisation has evolved and diversified, encompassing various styles and approaches. From short-form games and exercises to long-form narrative formats, improv has become a versatile and dynamic art form that continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

The Two Kinds of Improv

When it comes to improv classes in Portland, you have a variety of options to choose from.

  • Long-form improvisation focuses on creating longer scenes that sometimes lead to sequences of scenes. Sequences can focus on character work and how relationships and situations change over time.

  • Short-form improvisation focuses more on competitive games which require a quick wit to navigate a series of increasingly difficult challenges for the mind.

Why Take Improvisation Classes

One of the most exciting ways to tap into your inner artist is through improvisation classes. Whether you're an aspiring actor, a public speaker looking to enhance your skills, or simply someone who wants to step out of their comfort zone, improv classes in Portland offer a unique and engaging experience.

Improv is not just about being funny or quick on your feet. It is a powerful tool that helps you think on your feet, build confidence, and enhance your creativity. Through improv, you learn to trust your instincts, embrace failure as a learning opportunity, and become a better communicator.

The benefits of improvisation extend far beyond the stage. Improv teaches you to listen actively, collaborate effectively, and think outside the box. These skills are valuable in any professional setting, helping you excel in team projects, presentations, and problem-solving situations.

Why Portland for Improvisation?

Portland, Oregon has established itself as a hub for creativity and alternative arts. The city's vibrant and supportive arts community provides a nurturing environment for improvisation to thrive. Portland's residents embrace the spirit of experimentation, and this mindset extends to the improv scene as well.

The city is home to numerous theaters, comedy clubs, and performance spaces that offer a platform for improvisation. These venues not only provide opportunities for seasoned performers but also offer classes and workshops for aspiring improvisers of all levels.

Portland's unique blend of artistic expression, community engagement, and welcoming atmosphere make it an ideal destination for those seeking to explore the world of improvisation.

In the next section, we will delve deeper into why you should consider taking improvisation classes and the many benefits they offer.

Local Venues for Improv Classes in Portland

When The Brody Theater closed after 22 years in 2018, the study of long-form improvisation at Change Through Play stepped in to fill that void. Long-form classes of other varieties can also be found at Deep End Theater and at Kickstand.

The study of short-form improv in Portland can be found at theaters like ComedySpotz and Curious Comedy. Portland Center Stage now also offers improv classes in Portland as well.

Each improv school listed above provides a unique approach to improvisation, ensuring a diverse and enriching experience for students. When choosing a place to take improv classes in Portland, always check to see if the venue has community guidelines.

As improvisation is a spontaneous art form, the unexpected often can and DOES happen. For that reason, we feel it’s essential to put our community guidelines in public for all to clearly see and read.

Why Take Improvisation Classes?

Improvisation classes offer a plethora of benefits that extend beyond the stage. Whether you have a background in performing arts or are completely new to the world of improv, taking these classes can be a transformative experience. In this section, we will explore the reasons why you should consider taking improvisation classes in Portland, Oregon.

Benefits of Improvisation

  1. Enhanced Creativity: Improv classes provide a space for you to unleash your creativity and explore new ideas. By engaging in spontaneous exercises and scenes, you'll learn to think outside the box, break free from self-imposed limitations, and discover unique solutions to challenges.

  2. Improved Communication Skills: Effective communication is at the heart of improvisation. Through interactive exercises, you'll learn to listen actively, respond authentically, and adapt to your scene partners. These skills translate into everyday life, enhancing your ability to connect with others, express yourself clearly, and navigate social interactions more confidently.

  3. Increased Confidence: Improv classes are a safe and supportive environment for stepping out of your comfort zone. As you practice thinking on your feet and embracing the unknown, you'll gain a sense of empowerment and confidence in your abilities. This newfound self-assurance can positively impact various aspects of your life, from public speaking to personal relationships.

  4. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: Improv teaches you to think quickly and adapt to changing circumstances. By improvising solutions on the spot, you'll develop a flexible mindset and the ability to find creative solutions to unexpected challenges. These problem-solving skills are valuable in professional settings, where the ability to think on your feet can lead to innovative solutions and improved efficiency.

  5. Stress Relief and Mindfulness: Engaging in improvisation allows you to let go of worries and be fully present in the moment. The spontaneous nature of improv encourages you to embrace uncertainty and release the need for control. This can be a liberating and stress-relieving experience, promoting mindfulness and self-awareness.

Skills Developed Through Improvisation

  1. Active Listening: Improv requires active listening to effectively respond to your scene partners. Through exercises and games, you'll develop the ability to listen attentively, pick up on cues, and truly engage with others.

  2. Collaboration and Teamwork: Improv is a collaborative art form that thrives on teamwork. You'll learn to trust and support your fellow improvisers, building a strong ensemble dynamic where everyone contributes to the success of the scene.

  3. Quick Thinking and Adaptability: Improvisation trains you to think quickly and adapt to unexpected situations. By practicing spontaneous responses, you'll become more comfortable with uncertainty and develop the ability to make decisions on the spot.

  4. Emotional Intelligence: Improv provides a platform to explore and express a wide range of emotions. As you embody different characters and navigate various scenarios, you'll develop emotional intelligence, gaining a deeper understanding of human emotions and enhancing your ability to empathize with others.

  5. Risk-Taking and Resilience: Improv encourages you to take risks and embrace failure as a learning opportunity. By stepping outside your comfort zone, you'll build resilience, learn from mistakes, and develop a growth mindset that can be applied to all areas of life.

Now that you understand the numerous benefits and skills that can be gained from improvisation classes, it's time to explore the top improv classes available in Portland, Oregon.

Top Improvisation Classes in Portland, Oregon

If you're ready to dive into the world of improvisation in Portland, Oregon, you'll find a vibrant and thriving improv scene with a variety of top-notch classes to choose from. In this section, we will highlight some of the top improvisation classes available in the city, each offering a unique approach to the art form. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced improviser, these classes provide a supportive and enriching environment to develop your skills.


We’re biased, of course, but we feel that our studio offers incredible and knowledgeable teachers, detailed feedback, and small classes. Because of that, we’re able to provide the kinds of training in our improv classes that other studios and theaters simply cannot offer. We focus on an organic and theater-based approach to improvisation. We teach being present for the moment and allow that to help dictate whether a scene might be humorous or dramatic. We offer intro, intermediate, and advanced classes.

2. Curious Comedy Theater

Curious Comedy Theater, situated in Northeast Portland, is another prominent destination for improvisation classes. Their curriculum covers various aspects of improv, including short-form games and musical improv. The theater offers classes for beginners as well as advanced students, allowing participants to grow and progress at their own pace. With a supportive and inclusive atmosphere, Curious Comedy Theater is an excellent choice for those looking to explore the comedic side of improv.

3. Deep End Theater

Deep End Theater, located in Southeast Portland, is known for its diverse range of improv classes that cater to different skill levels and interests. From introductory courses that focus on the basics of improv to more specialized classes such as improv for actors or improv for public speaking, Deep End Theater offers a tailored approach to meet the unique needs of its students. Their experienced instructors provide a supportive and nurturing environment where students can explore their creativity and develop their improvisational skills.

4. kickstand comedy

Members of Portland’s improv community decided to open their own improv collective in the early 2010s. From those humble beginnings, Kickstand now offers many levels of long-form improv classes as well as classes for stand-up comedy. Fun long-form formats are explored and with its strong community, it’s worth checking out.

5. Portland Center Stage

While primarily known as a renowned theater company, Portland Center Stage also offers improv classes for individuals looking to expand their performance skills. These classes blend theatrical techniques with improvisation, providing a unique perspective on the art form. With its professional instructors and access to state-of-the-art facilities, Portland Center Stage offers a high-quality learning experience for those interested in exploring the intersection of improv and theater.

These are just a few of the top improvisation classes available in Portland, Oregon. Each venue offers its own unique approach to teaching improv, ensuring a diverse range of experiences for students. Before choosing a class, consider your skill level, interests, and goals to find the perfect fit for your improvisation journey.

In the next section, we will explore what you can expect when taking improvisation classes in Portland, including the class structure, in-class activities, and performance opportunities.

What to Expect When Taking Improvisation Classes

When you enroll in an improvisation class in Portland, Oregon, you can expect an engaging and dynamic learning experience. In this section, we will explore what you can expect when taking improvisation classes, including the class structure, in-class activities, and performance opportunities.

Class Structure & Format

Improvisation classes typically follow a structured format that allows students to gradually develop their skills and confidence. While the specific structure may vary between classes and instructors, here is a general outline of what to expect:

  1. Warm-up Activities: Classes often begin with warm-up exercises that focus on building trust among participants, loosening up the body, and energizing the mind. These activities may involve physical warm-ups, group games, or vocal exercises.

  2. Skill-Building Exercises: Improv classes include a variety of skill-building exercises designed to develop fundamental improvisational techniques. These exercises may focus on elements such as active listening, agreement ("Yes, and..."), spontaneity, and character development.

  3. Scene Work and Improv Games: As the class progresses, you will engage in scene work and improv games that allow you to put your skills into practice. These activities can range from short-form games to longer improvised scenes, providing opportunities to explore different scenarios, characters, and relationships.

  4. Feedback and Reflection: Instructors often provide feedback and guidance throughout the class to help you improve your improvisational skills. They may offer individual feedback, group discussions, or self-reflection exercises to deepen your understanding of improv techniques and concepts.

In-Class Activities and Exercises

Improvisation classes incorporate a wide range of activities and exercises to foster creativity, teamwork, and spontaneity. Some common in-class activities and exercises include:

  1. Group Scenes: Students participate in group scenes where they collaborate to create improvised stories, dialogues, and situations. These exercises focus on building trust, active listening, and supporting fellow improvisers.

  2. Character Development: Students explore various character archetypes, emotions, and physicality to create distinct and memorable characters. These exercises help develop improvisers' versatility and ability to adapt to different roles and scenarios.

  3. Improv Games: Short-form improv games, such as "Yes, and...", "Freeze Tag," or "Scene with a Twist," are popular activities in improv classes. These games challenge participants to think quickly, respond spontaneously, and embrace the unexpected.

  4. Status Exercises: Improv classes often incorporate status exercises that explore power dynamics, relationships, and the nuances of social interactions. These exercises help improvisers develop a deeper understanding of human behavior and emotions.

Performance Opportunities

Many improvisation classes in Portland provide performance opportunities as part of the learning experience. These performances allow students to showcase their skills to an audience and gain valuable stage experience. While participation in these performances is often optional, they offer a chance to apply what you've learned in a supportive and encouraging environment.

Performances may take place within the class setting, in front of fellow students and instructors, or in a public showcase where friends, family, and the wider community are invited to watch. These performances are not only a celebration of your progress but also an opportunity to connect with other improvisers and the local improv community.

In the next section, we will provide you with tips on how to prepare for your first improvisation class in Portland, including choosing the right attire, mental preparation, and what to bring to the class.

How to Prepare for Your First Improvisation Class

Preparing for your first improvisation class in Portland, Oregon can help ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. In this section, we will provide you with some helpful tips on how to prepare for your first improv class, including choosing the right attire, mental preparation, and what to bring.

Choosing the Right Attire

When it comes to attire for an improvisation class, comfort and flexibility are key. Opt for clothing that allows you to move freely and comfortably. Consider wearing:

  • Flexible Clothing: Choose clothing made of lightweight and breathable materials that allow for easy movement. Stretchy pants or leggings, comfortable t-shirts, and athletic wear are all great options.

  • Layers: As you engage in physical activities, you may find yourself warming up. Dressing in layers allows you to adjust your clothing accordingly.

  • Non-Slip Footwear: Select shoes that provide good traction and support. Avoid wearing footwear with slippery soles or high heels, as they may hinder your movements and pose safety risks.

Mental Preparation

Preparing yourself mentally for your first improv class can help alleviate any nervousness or anxiety. Consider these tips to get in the right mindset:

  • Embrace the Unknown: Remember that improvisation is all about embracing the unexpected. Embrace the idea of not knowing what will happen and trust in your ability to adapt and respond in the moment.

  • Release Expectations: Let go of any preconceived notions or expectations about how well you should perform. Improv is a learning process, and everyone starts somewhere. Be kind to yourself and focus on the joy of exploration and growth.

  • Openness and Willingness: Approach the class with an open mind and a willingness to try new things. Be receptive to feedback and be open to stepping outside of your comfort zone.

What to Bring

Before attending your first improv class, consider bringing the following items:

  • Water Bottle: Staying hydrated is essential during physical activities, so bring a water bottle to keep yourself refreshed throughout the class.

  • Notebook and Pen: Taking notes during the class can help you remember important concepts, exercises, and feedback. Consider bringing a notebook and pen to jot down any insights or reminders.

  • Positive Attitude: While not a physical item, a positive attitude is crucial. Approach the class with enthusiasm, curiosity, and a willingness to learn. A positive mindset can make your experience more enjoyable and fruitful.

  • Open Mind and Eagerness to Participate: Lastly, bring an open mind and a willingness to actively participate. Embrace the activities, engage with your scene partners, and fully immerse yourself in the learning experience.

By following these tips and preparing yourself both physically and mentally, you'll be ready to embark on your first improvisation class in Portland, Oregon. Embrace the opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with others through the art of improv.

Change Through Play students, improvising during a show in Portland, Oregon

David Koff