Improvisation Workshops: Enhancing Human Interaction In Corporate Settings

Change Through Play provides corporate and leadership training based on the science of improvisation. Our corporate training programs are led by our founder and our team of expert facilitators and corporate trainers. Sessions are designed specifically for employees in corporate or professional settings and teach core skills from the worlds of theater and improvisation. Those skills are designed specifically to help our corporate clients learn and then improve their communication and collaboration skills.

Our sessions develop skills such as public speaking, presentation delivery, and nonverbal communication. We aren’t providing acting classes, but our training often involves unscripted or improvised exercises. This process helps our clients learn to think on their feet and adapt quickly to unexpected situations. When interacting without a script, people’s creativity and imagination are activated. Laughter is abundant. True personalities shine. And, during all of the play that happens in those unscripted moments, our clients are actually building confidence, improving their ability to listen actively, and better understanding their colleagues and clients.

In short, our brand of play allows for deep learning and personal evolution. 

But that doesn’t mean that what we provide is haphazard or spontaneous. Not at all: our curricula are very carefully researched, constructed, and ordered. When we show up for our clients, it’s only after many hours of discovery, insight, research, and refinement. It looks and feels spontaneous to our participants, but to our leaders and stakeholders, play is very serious business. 👍

Ways Corporate Trainer Acting Classes Help Corporate Employees

The improvisational training that our corporate trainers provide offers a profound and deeply-engaging learning experience. The exercises that we create and bring to your place of business are designed to help participants activate and then develop crucial life skills that can be applied in their professional as well as personal lives. Here are just a few of the skills that you should expect to learn or improve when you finish any of our customized corporate trainings:

  1. Improving Verbal And Nonverbal Communication

    When working with our corporate trainers, employees will learn techniques to understand and improve their vocal and physical presence. These skills can help people to convey their ideas in clear and understandable ways. This allows our client participants to build stronger relationships with their own clients and colleagues. When we learn to pay attention to our body language, tone, and facial expressions through improvised exercises, we become better communicators.

  2. Building Confidence

    Some of our corporate clients struggle with public speaking or presenting their ideas in front of others. Others wish to take their current skills to a more advanced level. Our corporate training sessions provide a safe and supportive environment for all of our clients to overcome their fear of public speaking and build their confidence. By leveraging unscripted exercises — and a few classic acting exercises — we help our clients become more comfortable with performing their own jobs and responsibilities in front of their colleagues and, sometimes, in front of the world. Leading a meeting, delivering a keynote address, appearing as an expert on national TV, or providing feedback to clients and colleagues are all - in their own way - different kinds of performances. We’ll help our corporate clients excel at these and other skills by providing excellent leadership and performance training. 

  3. Developing Empathy
    Humans are very different from one another. Our corporate training workshops and training programs help clients to first understand and then collaborate with any kind of emotion and perspective. This focus on our own emotional bodies not only helps us to get in touch with ourselves but is also the first step to developing empathy and true collaboration with others. We cannot understand the perspectives of our colleagues and clients until we learn how to identify the various methods of communication that humans use. We teach “listening with our eyes” because by learning to see non-verbal communication, we become better listeners and more effective and empathic communicators. Respected leadership comes as a natural result of empathic understanding and communication.

  4. Enhancing Creativity
    Our improvisation classes and workshops can help our corporate clients to think creatively and come up with more innovative solutions to problems. Science has now proven that improvisation helps people adapt quickly to unexpected situations. Practicing improvisation regularly helps participants to become more effective problem solvers by learning to think creatively and adapt to changing circumstances. That makes improvisation one of the best tools to help train employees to become better at generating new ideas and approaches to work.

  5. Strengthening Teamwork

    Improvisation workshops often involve group activities that require collaboration and teamwork. By working together on improvised games or exercises, we can learn to communicate more effectively with others and build stronger relationships within a team. Improv workshops led by our corporate trainers can help you to develop trust, respect, and empathy for your colleagues. And that, in turn, builds strong, cohesive teams.

Evolve By Hiring Us to Lead Your Next Corporate Retreat!

Corporate training is a valuable investment for your team, division, and for your entire company. By providing our clients with practical training in communication, teamwork, and creativity, our training modules help to improve workplace relationships and enhance productivity. That, in turn, drives organizational success. You’ve already made the bold choice to change. Now, I invite you to Change Through Play.

Contact us to learn how we can inspire and lead change in your company.

A snapshot from a previous workshop in Portland, Oregon

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